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Research in Asia
"Modeling for establishing wheat producing system to quickly adapt to the commodity treaty changes" (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 25450020, 2013-2017). The use of APSIM crop growth model to contribute to the wheat producers in Japan for their nitrogen fertilizer use to increase yield and maintain the optimum protein content.
"Evaluation on the effect of maize-legume rotation system on soil fertility and socio-economic analysis of this technology adoption in west-central Bhutan" (JDS Program, 2020 April ongoing)
"Establishment of production system of industrial crops which contributes to the improvement of rural livelihood without competing the food production" (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 15H05244, 2015-2019). Promoting medicinal plants cultivation among tribal people in Western India to promote their living conditions. The conditions for better adoption of the technologies were investigated to contribute to the policy makers.
<Sri Lanka>
"The Short-Term Effect of Soil Conservation Measures on Yield Variation of Upland Food Crops on Sloping Agricultural Lands of Sri Lanka" (Field experiment at sloped land in SriLanka to evaluate different methodologies for erosion control. And the study on the farmers' perception on thesea measures will be evaluated by survey. (PhD research 2011-2015)
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